Re posted due to account hack in May

Posted by Ian Everett on Monday Jun 18, 2018 Under Uncategorized

Conference / Awards / Exhibition / Roadshow

This month we have been involved with four different aspects of live events.

Varied work too, a technology exhibition in Paris with a Space Station Prop to enhance a technology project.

And during the same week a project in Dublin for Conference presentations with double 12metre wide LED screens that included a guest presentation by the Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar.

Followed by 7 breakout meetings and an awards Gala dinner including a ‘Riverdance’ cast for the entertainment of 1200 people

Also a small technology Roadshow in Milan and then Portugal continuing on from last months roadshow dates.

Interesting work, the bank holiday will be our break and then we are into some heavy pre production for an Event in London at the end of June – A project for an audience of 18,000 – really looking forward to getting our teeth into this one on the horizon.

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