Pre Production month
Posted by Ian Everett on Saturday Oct 29, 2011 Under UncategorizedA heavy month with Pre Production on events for the beginning of next month. Almost 3 and a half weeks of being on the road at events in 5 locations between London and Glasgow ahead for the Corporate Events Plus team.
Is it really necessary for people to have to copy in half a dozen people into a simple email communication? Talk about fill time in your day fielding emails that are relevant, does this show a lack of confidence in those that do splurge emails?
Buz words heard this month include someone wanting to ‘schedule an interface’ with one of our team. It used to be called ‘arrange a meeting’ not so long a go :)
We are working with some new equipment for video and data distribution, I am looking forward to seeing the quality of the multiple images. Right, better get packing for the next off……..