Outdoor Event Parking
Posted by Ian Everett on Saturday Aug 19, 2017 Under UncategorizedThis month we have been working on our outdoor event work, offering the ability to prepare the overlay of outdoor events with the purchase of some new equipment for preparing event car parking & access to out door events.
Arrange separate vehicle and pedestrian entrances/exits to the site.
Arrange entrance queues so they do not obstruct vehicle access or road junctions.
Make sure the entrance/exits are suitable for prams, pushchairs and wheelchairs.
Ensure the entrance/exits are appropriately signed.
Make sure the entrance is well stewarded and an accurate form of counting used to prevent over crowding.
Outdoors, provide at least two pedestrian exits from the site.
Exits should be not less than 1.2m in clear width, spaced well apart around the site and clearly signposted. The exits must be kept free from obstructions and well lit if the event is likely to last after dusk.
Keep car parking well away from the pedestrian areas of the site. The parking area should be clearly signposted and do not permit vehicles to park anywhere else.
Provide stewards (with torches if necessary) for the car parking areas.
If the area to be used for car parking is a field or similar, ensure the grass/hay/straw is cut and removed the day before the event.
Except for emergency purposes, ensure no vehicle movement in the public areas of the site during the event or as the public are leaving.
Parking areas (As advised by the Health and Safety Executive)
- be clearly signposted;
- be firm;
- be level;
- be well drained;
- not be slippery;
- be well lit (if possible); and
- be as close as possible to where people need to go when they leave their vehicles (for example, refreshment facilities for visiting drivers).