On the Level

Posted by Ian Everett on Friday Nov 16, 2018 Under Uncategorized

Time spent levelling a false floor on an exhibition booth will pay dividends later.


If the floor is not level you will struggle to align panels, signage, audio visual screens, infact you would spend more time trying to make something look straight if you are not working from a true base.

We use a laser to project a beam across the booth floor surface and by using a measuring pole we can see if the floor has any high spots by reading off the scale on the side of the pole. We then use a tool to adjust the feet beneath the false floor surface, it sounds simple but depending on the venue floor this can take a little while. But it is still worth doing, after all if you do not put in the ground work at any point of a project you may have problems later on.

Here we are measuring the floor of one of the booths we recently completed in Barcelona. With the laser you can work right across the whole floor from one datum point.

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