Not good news

Posted by Ian Everett on Wednesday Jul 29, 2020 Under Uncategorized

We are all trying to stay positive and interested in our industry at the moment.

Further education to keep the grey cells active and  keeping in touch with clients and suppliers – but the feed back from both is bad.

Clients are cancelling events until 2021 and pursuing ‘virtual zoom’ type meetings with staff and customers. This means the requirements for Exhibition build or Conference staging and all of the services associated with delivering a ‘live’ event with an audience is just not required.

Some suppliers are against the wall, no income and with lease, rent, rates and staff costs to pay they are at the end of their tether. Some are just sitting tight but the problem with this is that the industry is not in a positive spiral but a negative one.

Lack of investment in technology, staff training and audio visual development have been put on hold.

Our valued freelance crew are suffering, out of the envelope for government help they are fending for themselves and some are failing.

In the wider world theatres are closing, audio visual companies are shutting and good leading industry professionals are leaving the industry because they need to have an income to make ends meet.

What this does mean is an uncertain future, I did not think it would be next year before we got back to work but unfortunately it is looking almost certain work will be very limited for the rest of 2020.

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