Keeping current and up to date means time needs to be given to visiting suppliers and live event partners when they have new products or development’s to demonstrate.
The Projection Partnership has put investment and development time into widescreen processing technology to enable the client to prepare their own slide information onto a PowerPoint template from within their own office or production channel, utilizing their own current equipment & staff. The product enables our clients to display their self-created content & slides at their conference event in a wide screen format greater than standard 16 by 9.
Why use a wide screen format? To create a memorable visual impact, to enhance a product image launch ; to make best use of a venue with reduced ceiling height or to create a visual canvas to show multiple images / slide content at the same time.
How does this work for the customer who wants to use a wide screen format? Once the screen size has been agreed, a template slide is created and given to the customer to create their slides within that format. The cleaver part is that the Projection Partnership’s Display workstation has processing technology which does the rest of the work and splits the PowerPoint slide or video footage images across the blended projection displays giving an ultra wide screen look and feel. The production can further be enhanced by contribution from the sound department in terms of acoustic surround sound features to give the presentation a deeper aural experience.
One further benefit is that the slides can still be cascaded at the same time via webcast, to additional breakout rooms or post event to other areas of business who may have missed the event without having to re make the slide content thus saving time and effort which means a cost saving for the customer.
The system is based upon Microsoft Windows 7 & office 2010 and can accept earlier versions of PowerPoint material. Importantly the pre production can originate from your own office using your own PowerPoint equipment & it will accept archived presentation material also.
Here Oliver Phipps is demonstrating to me the benefits of wide screen projection with a two projector display creating one wide image.