How productivity on site is improved

Posted by Ian Everett on Sunday Feb 14, 2016 Under Uncategorized

Projects small or large can follow the same path for successful delivery.

A key factor I believe is a tidy working environment, larger projects often involve more suppliers on site. All suppliers have their own agenda – working practice – contentment in their own mess, however, I look at the project overall and I believe productivity is improved by trying to create a clear working space so the next supplier to arrive can ‘hit the ground running’

This year in Barcelona, I have employed a cleaner for 2 hours at the end of the working day after the suppliers have gone home so that the site is additionally cleaned to be free from clutter. This extends to meeting tables – washing up cups and mugs – not leaving debris.

It is a much better environment to arrive at the following day for work especially at the beginning of a 12 hour day. If we were working in a conference room we would not dream of using a bench circular saw without a covering on the floor or a dust collector or cleaning up afterwards. By bringing the same tidy thought process into the exhibition environment I am hoping to keep a safer working environment too.

These are images of our current work site after the working day, we have 6 suppliers on site with up to 50 tradesmen on the booth during the day.

Clean worksite











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