Come on AV Suppliers where is your pride?
Posted by Ian Everett on Thursday Sep 29, 2011 Under UncategorizedCome on AV Suppliers where is your pride?
This month I have been able to see how other companies work providing conference production, well, I have been shocked by some of the lack of basic support and attention to detail during the live events I have attended. Poor use of technology, shabby temporary installation of technical equipment and the wrong equipment being used to deliver a mediocre presentation environment.
Come on audio visual suppliers – where is your pride? It cannot all be about budget, just who is cutting corners, is it the Agency buying services they know are substandard? Or is it the audio visual supplier falling short by using what is on the shelf and not the correct equipment for the task in hand? Or is it that neither knows the correct way to deliver technical support of conference events?
Thinking of technology I have just taken delivery of the iPad 2, what an amazing device, tactile, easy to use, easy to transport, a crystal clear display and quick delivery of applications, fantastic product. I will be wondering how I ever got by without it I am sure.
Telecoms projects completed for BT this month on a staff event held over 2 days in London, business chalk and talk, guest presenters, awards and Q&A discussions.