August calm before the storm!

Posted by Ian Everett on Tuesday Aug 27, 2013 Under Uncategorized


August calm before the storm!

Quoting on projects and pitching on events along with picking our way through Exhibitor manual details to ensure the correct trucks arrive at the right entrance gates for the next project at the 02 venue in London next weekend. August is a bit of a funny month. Time to catch up with the end of year business paperwork too as we head into year 16, clear the office of accumulated clutter and plan the next tranche of training before the Conference season starts again.

I am looking forward to working at the Frankfurt Motorshow early next Month, the next round of automotive technology to inspire project thinking. It is valuable going to these Exhibitions. Particularly when you get to appraise other countries work at International events. This can be a great source of leaning new communication methods.

But for now, after shocking bank holiday weekend weather, the sun is streaming in through the office windows while we are busy doing paperwork, typical!

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