Barcelona, First Aid and a fond farewell

Posted by Ian Everett on Wednesday May 22, 2019 Under Uncategorized

Barcelona, First Aid and a fond farewell

This month has been and gone in a flash

Starting off with a project in Barcelona for a technology company we helped to create multiple breakout rooms with displays and life scene settings, I was glad to hand back the keys to all the breakout rooms, we have been so used to using electronic swipe cards in more modern venues it seemed odd using so many actual keys like a jailer at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.

Back in the UK I met up with Chris Howard from CH Drawings, Chris has been creating our CAD drawings since the start of Corporate Events Plus some 20 years ago, before then I worked with Chris at previous companies, over 25 years we have been working together.

Initially the plans were drawn up on tracing paper ‘skins’ and then if I wanted copies of the plans to take to site I had to go to a dieline copy house, the smell of ammonia from the paper was never a pleasant experience.

Chris was quick with the pencil and the corrections and moved onto CAD (Computer Aided drawing) when it first came out creating icons and templates as the technology evolved, he has now retired from the industry and has handed his business over to a protégé Richard who we look forward to working with.

Fishing, music, gardening and grandchildren will keep Chris on the go so I am not sure he is going to be idle, I may even miss his moaning on the phone – ‘’ you want it when?’ , ‘no I have not drawn up that venue before’ , ‘who took these dimensions?’ etc etc – , good luck Chris we will miss you for sure.

FIRST AID AT WORK with St John’s Ambulance.

I have passed the Emergency First Aid at work course, very important, worthwhile and now updated. Each time we learn something else as techniques are adjusted for First Aid care. Make the time to go and do the course you could save someone else’s life if not your own !

One learning was about your mobile phone, if you press the home screen you see in the bottom left corner you see the word ‘Emergency’

Press on the word emergency and it will take you through to another screen, you can make an emergency call on the phone even if the phone is locked.

In the bottom left hand corner there is another word in red – Medical ID –

press on this word and if the owner of the phone has filled in their medical details the emergency services can see important information such as blood group and any allergy’s listed.

May has also not been all work but some play

Luckily one of our suppliers JMT Furniture have the contracts for supplying furniture for the Formula 1 and the Moto GP, they invited us to view their furniture during the Barcelona Formula 1 Grand Prix, brilliant. It was great to see Lewis Hamilton in action and his car on the track, particularly as only a couple of months ago we were displaying his show car on an exhibition stand.

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