Busy, busy, busy

Posted by Ian Everett on Tuesday Aug 11, 2009 Under Ian

Sunday afternoon and I’ve been in the office all day; only because I took the day off on Friday and now I’ve got to catch up with the paper work. Typically it’s a lovely sunny day out there and I’ve been stuck inside. Actually, it’s been good – nice and quiet with no phones ringing and I’ve been able to concentrate on getting the invoices out for the projects we’ve completed this week and catching up with the admin without any interruptions – it feels good.

Monday; another great day today. Spent this morning in Arif’s studios filming a piece for our new web site. It really did bring it home to me how difficult it is to speak to a camera, even when it’s a subject you know about and really believe in. But I enjoyed it, it was a good experience and helped me to realise what our customers have to go through when they are presenting.  Doing the filming this morning with Arif and the team seemed to generate a load of positive energy which has carried on throughout the day.

It’s been a busy couple of weeks really. And in the middle of a hectic series of six events, including Tesco and Unum, I’ve just completed a charity function for the local church and provided a stage for the RAF Honiton Band to help to raise money for the church funds. To be honest I could have done without that this week but like the buses, they all seem to come at once. Anyway, it all went very well.

Been experimenting with Skype for free internet based telephone and video calling. There seems to be a lot of people using it. We loaded the software onto Sandie’s machine and found she already had 103 contacts in her address book already using it. So we’ve been playing around this afternoon linking our machines in the Suffolk office with Hertfordshire. So far we’ve got sound and vision one way but only vision the other, which is a bit frustrating so much so we’ve even got to the point of reading the manual. We’re three quarters of the way there, so watch this space. It could be a useful facility for our customers if they’re interested in using it.

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