where has May gone?

Posted by Ian Everett on Tuesday May 29, 2012 Under Uncategorized

What a busy month of pre production, the gps surveys of last month set the base for adding layers of CAD drawing detail of temporary roadways, modified field entrances, swept coach travel paths and compound layouts. We have completed ecology surveys and logged species of plants and shrubs to be recorded for future care, wildlife studies of nests and watching briefs completed and Stat searches are under way to give a full understanding of what lays under the ground out of sight !

I am enjoying the detail and complexity on this outdoor large scale event, apart from the rain and the over use of the brolly last month I am looking forward to some fair weather over the next few weeks during the build of the projects.

Bring on the PPE (Personal protection equipment)

Steel toe capped boots, goggles, gloves, hi viz vest and that all important hard hat :)

PPE at the ready !


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