Exhibition Acoustic Design

Posted by Ian Everett on Wednesday Oct 26, 2022 Under Uncategorized

Exhibition Acoustic Design 

Audio replay at Exhibitions has always been challenging between adjoining booths and exhibitors because audio levels can be overwhelming. 

I am working on a project with multiple areas with audio requirements, the difference is we are in control of the whole environment, some of the experiences for the delegates are via headphones and some experiences are direct from a PA where headsets are not used. 

There are different methods of PA – Localized loud speakers directional from a video screen for example or background soundscapes relevant to the area you are immersed in.

How do you get these areas to work in harmony together?

It is difficult but it is also possible to set boundaries to help audio bleed from one area to another. The use of acoustically absorptive materials on boundary walls can temper sound bleed.

The pacing and sequencing of soundscapes can be choreographed thoughtfully.

The location of loud speakers closer to the delegate so the audio level does not need to be too loud can help.

Time in advance of the project is valuable here – the more work that can be done in the pre production phase of the project with thought to the sound tracks to be used or the soundscapes to be commissioned will pay dividends when the project is installed on site. 

This is an area of work I am really excited to be involved with – I am looking forward to listening to the results.

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