December Deliberation

Posted by Ian Everett on Thursday Dec 22, 2011 Under Uncategorized

Blimey, 2011 almost gone, an interesting business year for us so far as we are half way through our own business year with projects to look forward to next year

but other than pre- production work we do not have an active event in January so it could be a good opportunity to brush up on some IT skills.


The Local Classic Motorbike and Car event we put together went well with the next evening on the 2nd of January, it is surprising what local folks have tucked away in their barns and garages, the most interesting contrast being Paul with his 170 mph Hayabusa and a 1970’s Austin Maxi that competed in the London to Mexico rally back in its hay day.


December has been a good opportunity to catch up with colleagues and friends alike and I am glad of the downtime over the Christmas break to sit back and take stock, it is not often you get time to reflect and look forward to the future.

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