Good news

Posted by Ian Everett on Tuesday May 26, 2020 Under Uncategorized

That was a nice email to receive last Friday.

Just before the lock down due to the Corona Virus I took the 2 hour written exam for the Nebosh National General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety and I am pleased that I have passed the first module on the course.

We have had a 2 month break from the course and the course has now resumed ‘virtually’ by Zoom classroom. We are able to share screens, see our other classmates and take part in group discussions.

Ok, it’s not quite the same as being in the classroom and interacting but with some ground rules of being on mute unless you are speaking the distractions are kept to a minimum with background noise. What is important though is a stable good quality internet connection or there may be issues with displaying and listening to some video content.

Even so I am glad we are progressing with the course, the more we can do during the lock down like this the better prepared we will be when work ramps back up again. People are talking about returning to work, it is just that it is not happening at the moment because of the restrictions. Shops return on the 15th of June and slowly the wheels of industry will turn again –  I hope that the economy improves because many business’ are relying on this to continue to trade.

This is a motley bunch in our classroom



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